Linux / Unix operating system provide many command line
tools and text editors for creating single or multiple text files. We can use
gedit, vi/vim text editor. It is a terminal based text editor in Linux/ Unix
Systems, available under the GPL. There
are many, many text editors available and it is designed to be easy to use.
These are follows.
- Cat command
- Touch command
- Echo or printf command
- Vi/vim editor
- Gedit editor
Now we see only commands
Create a Text file using
cat command
- Cat (concatenate) command is used to create a file and to display and modify the contents of file
To Create a file
# cat > filename ( say file1)
Hello world
Press CTRL+D to save a file
[root@rahul ~]# cat > file1
Hello World
To display the
content of the file
# cat filename
[root@rahul ~]# cat file1
Hello World
[root@rahul ~]#
To append the data in
already existing file
# cat >>
# cat >> file1
Ctrl+d (to save the
[root@rahul ~]# cat >> file1
Welcome to linux
[root@rahul ~]#
Creating multiple
empty files at the same time using touch
# touch <filename> <filename> <filename>
# touch file1 file2 file3 file4
Note: For Check the
files use # ls command
[root@rahul ~]# touch file1 file2 file3 file4
[root@rahul ~]# ls
4raj file1 install.log.syslog ktfile.softlink raj
anaconda-ks.cfg file2 kernal Music ram
Desktop file3 ktdir Pictures songs
Documents file4
ktfile Public Templates
Create a text file
using echo or printf
# echo ‘Hello World’ > filename
[root@rahul ~]# echo 'Hello world' > file1
# printf ‘Hello world’
> filename
[root@rahul ~]# printf 'Hello world\n' > file1
# printf ‘Hello World
\n Another line’ > filename
[root@rahul ~]# printf 'Hello world\n another line ' > file1
To display the file
contents, type:
[root@rahul ~]# cat file1
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